Sunday, September 20, 2009

So I received my compostela, and then?

After a really troubling long week and 180 km on foot in Portugal and Galicia, with lots of blisters, heavy shoulders, but a mind fresher than before I reached Santiaga de Compostela ( linkie to a few pics ). While I was walking alone most of the time I only came to one conclusion really. Back to Hamburg and start looking for a new job. and, I was really looking forward to it, after those 3 months here in Barcelona. my own bed, a nice steak, Claudia (which I really missed)...

The last night a few of us peregrinos / pilgrims went for a few drinks (my first alcohol in 10 days). and 2 of the guys even said, why they were doing the walk ---> heartache...I could relate, but said: lads, how happy am I that I have a very stable relationship... and thank god for that.

But, la vida es un rouleta...(live is a roulette)... next day, once back to Barcelona, I read an email from Claudia. She fell in love. Not only that, but with a mutual friend of ours... I already suspected there was something wrong, since her SMS were so much shorter and without caring words. Alas, I put that down to her upcoming exams though.

So while some do the camino in order to forget their heartache, my GF dumps me WHILE I am doing it. :o)

couldn't that have happened at the start of my stay here in BCN? I might "just  even" have found a nice spanish woman to connect with...;)

in two days I'll be driving back to Hamburg, and I'll be moving out of Poptown within a month (won't be wasting energy with fighting for her or the like). and then I might to do the Camino de Santiago again for new ideas...

I am very curious what this change will be good for. Right now it simply hurts...


  1. Kopf hoch, das wird wieder und zwar besser!
    Gruß Olli

  2. Sorry, so etwas zu hören. (Aber das kennen wir doch alle, abnehmende Rate von SMS und emails... Nachtigal ick hör dir trapsen)...
    Du wirst darüber hinwegkommen...
    Da haben wir uns ein paar Tage verpasst, ich war die ersten beiden Septemberwochen auf dem Camino, begonnen in Porto.
    Über die Brücke zwischen Valenca und Tui (ich habe gerade die Fotos gesehen) bin ich fast auf allen Vieren gekrochen - blöde Schuhe!
    Für Deinen weiteren Weg alles Gute - Sven

  3. danke ihr beiden... nur eine frage: welcher der 3 Svens die ich kenne ist das? bei Olli ist das ja klar wie klossbruehe...;) das wir uns da knapp verpasst haben, ist ja nur mehr als witzig... gern mehr beim bierchen! bescheid :)
