Sunday, July 19, 2009

Al final - nueva habitacion

Cargado originalmente por Haemmboerger

Finally, I found a new room to stay for the next 2.5 months here in Barcelona.
finding a nice room wasn't as easy as one would have thought...quite a bit running around...that one here I share with 2 blokes, one 23 year old from Argentina and the other one 30 ish from Spain. Sound guys. :)
went to the El Macareno last night (as the night before). it's a bar run by lads from Venezuela. and yes, los latinos son mucho mas abierto que los espanoles... played chino and drank rum ;)
right so, now off to explore mi barrrio un poco mas.
muchos saludos desde Barca!
Klaus :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

In Montpellier

Cargado originalmente por Haemmboerger

I stayed for one night. I never thought it would be that beautiful, I surely would have liked to stay a few more days... the architecture is simply stunning...
anyways, made it safely to Barcelona too, but haven't really taken quality photos yet.
this weeks task: off to the INEM, the policia nacional, to obtain an NIE. plus, check out some rooms and find one I like. vamos a ver ;)
muchos saludos desde Barca :-)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ready to go (almost that is)

Cargado originalmente por Haemmboerger

well, went to the agency today and got my E 303 . yay!

last for Flogge was to repair the sreen washer tank, which was leaking badly. a new one would have been like 120 quid, bit so it was "only"
- 20 euros for silicone, self adhesive alumunium foil and glue (Pattex Extreme)
- about 1 hour shopping and
- 3 hours fixing it (well, tried "various other methods beforehand).
not sure if fixing it instead of buying a new one (costs roughly 120 Euros) was cheaper in the end. you judge for yourself ;o)
apart form this cost-benifit-analysis... heck, am about to start packing in a sec.
leaving in da morrow around noon. see you either in Barca over the next 3 months or very likely in Hamburg en Octubre. cause I wouldn't bet on getting a good job there. but hey, that would only be the topping on the icecream anyway.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Flogge wants more

Cargado originalmente por Haemmboerger
well, due to my own stupidity (I managed to break a small plastic part of my cooler) I needed to replace it - repairing would have been an option too, but the new "used" cooler was rather cheap. Thanks to C. who helped me fixing it.
and, if all goes according to plan, I can leave for Barca July 08. Still no news from the agency yet though... :-(