Monday, July 14, 2008

Calender Week 28

Originally uploaded by Haemmboerger.

Mo and Tuesday with the trainer from Inplace Development (the outplacement company which AOL pays), preparing my CV, and simulating an interview. Fun, I learned a lot, but also very exhausting...

Tue I also bought a new suit. deffo needed one, last time I bought one was like 1997...

Wed, one day MS Project training. Good trainer, medium effort. Now I know "all" about resource sheets and more too ;)

Thu, Mike S., (a former colleague) dropped by for a chat and a round of tabletennis.

Fri, working a bit with Ted and Ted (Mark and Dan), and then off to the photographer, getting pics for the CV. great session, can only recommend them ( ).

well, and Sat/Sun off to visit my mom, which is hospitalized at the moment...she broke her upper arm/shoulder (a comminuted fracture), and the only way to get her arm working back is a prosthesis... surgery is tomorrow...fingers crossed mom! after that she'll be something like the 6 million Dollar woman ;)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Few days in Dublin

Originally uploaded by Haemmboerger.

and another trip , this time to Dublin. anyway... this pic here, is one of the guys who woke us up at like 11 a.m.... some sort of a competition, lots of bagpipes and the like in Howth... more pics from Sarah, Dan, Mark and Ed can be seen here


here a few pics from cycling to Sylt and after that visiting my mom, Knut, my Bro, my dad and my sisters.

Bummer btw, that i wasn't able to see all the people I wanted Antje in Munich, or Jessy, Feargal and Brian in Dublin... oh well, next time :)