Monday, July 30, 2007


Originally uploaded by Haemmboerger.
A weekend in Warnemuende. was a late birthday pressie (2 nights stay in the ). The weather forecast was dreadful for late July (gusts up to 45 mph, showers and rain, 13 - 19 degrees centigrade. ).

as It turned out, the weather was much better than anticipated, I even burnt my face a bit. learnings? ALWAYS bring your sunblocker, no matter what the forecast says... :o)

We also met up with Astrid and her new BF. I think they're a great fit. fingers crossed...

weirdest moment? sun morning, breakfast in the hotel: picture a russian family with one german woman amongst them. they even bagged the breakfast rolls in some plastic bags... plus treating the waiters like they're a piece of crap seems common too...